Operation Blue Light Created by Christopher Albus The Warcraft II Page http://www.cris.com/~Calbus/wc2/wc2.shtml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: Genn Greymane's decision not to join the alliance has come back to haunt him. His kingdom has been attacked, and its citizens imprisoned. Uther Lightbringer mounted a ferocious counter attack, but it was not enough to overcome the superior forces of the new orcish clan. Sir Lothar gathered together some soldiers and has gone to rescue Uther and the citizens of Gilneas. His last report stated he had found the enemy, and the prisoners. He also reported the Burning Blade clan setting up a camp to the north of the prisoners. Your Orders: Fresh troops have just arrived from Greymane's 8th corps. You are to move south to Lothar's last coordinates. Mount a rescue operation and return the citizens of Gilneas to their home. With their help, build a massive land force and purge this land of ALL the orcish hordes.